Walker, canes, grabbers - Curran Miller Auction & Realty, Inc.

Walker, canes, grabbers

Lot Number:114
Start Time:1/12/2024 10:00:00 PM
End Time:1/29/2024 12:26:37 AM
Bid Count:8
High bidder:139 (Kentucky)
Starting Bid:$2.00
Bid Increment:$1.00
Current Bid:$11.00
Bidding complete
No donations for this lot
4620 Connery Court
Evansville, Indiana 47715
United States

Pick Up: Tues., Jan. 30th, 2-5:30 - All items must be picked up on this date - there will be no exceptions. 

Showing: Tues., Jan. 23rd, 4-5:30 PM