YR Men's Golf Swag Package (RED XL)
Limited edition blue heathered Scooter Scramble polo (XL) Limited edition Scooter Scramble RTIC cup Limited edition Scooter Scramble trucker hat Limited edition Scooter Scramble gray Comfort Colors t-shirt (XL) YR sunglasses YR decal Value: $100.00 Donated by: Youth Resources
A 10% Buyer's Premium will be added to all items. Credit Cards will be charged at closing of the auction on Monday evening at 8:00 pm. Bidding in the auction is subject to a 5 minute auto extend feature.
Please note: All winning bids will be charged to the credit card associated with the winning bidder’s online auction registration unless the bidder notifies Curran Miller Auction Realty (800-264-0601 orcmar@curranmiller.com) or Youth Resources (lauraf@youth-resources.org) of an alternate payment choice (cash or check made payable to Youth Resources) by 8am on Tuesday, September 15
United States